Changes that I'd do to my program

Hi! Today I'm gonna talk about some changes that maybe I'd to to my studies program, or even to the university in general because in my opinion I think that even being one of the best universities of Chile there's a lot of things to fix yet to be considered with that title.

Regarding to subjects that I have, I think that all of them (at least until now) are important but the contents of these courses sometimes are difficult to learn, specially because the teachers in charge use a weird teaching methodology where students haven't a clear idea if what they're doing is correct or not and why (of course there's exceptions, that only happens in specifically cases). Added to this methodology there's another factor that influences directly in our learning process and that's the workload; with a schedule like ours, and the fact that some of us lives really far from our faculty, the process of creation becomes more limited in the way to deliver the work on time so the final work not always defines our knowledge or skills. In this case, I would decrease the hours on class or I'd keep it in quantity but I'd destine them to actually work in class because sometimes classes are death hours to explain something that's not clear until you do it.

The faculty facilities of the careers related with arts seems to be the more precarious of the university, I think that this situation isn't fair because they should distribute the funds equally. In my particular case, I feel that the theater department needs more working spaces in extracurricular hours; at the same time needs to have more green areas or resting areas in general. Besides, the technology is very old so when we finish the career the instruments of lighting, for example, will be very different and also the way to use them. 

Well, I'll stop here because the post is so long but mainly the changes that I'd do would be financial, I think that's necessary.


  1. There is a lot of inequality in our faculty, there are basic things to fix, but it is difficult to pay attention to art careers

  2. I agree with you, definitely in all the above mentioned, you have the gift of the word.!!

  3. in the music department, the instruments and general tecnhologies are also very old and in bad conditions


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